Dish Soap

Once again Sarah and I decided that we were going to save money! We decided to make our own dishwasher soap.  I was really excited because the recipe we found claimed that it worked great with well water.  It seemed like an answer to my prayer since I hate the hard water spots on my dishes!  I washed a load of dishes but I could not see a difference. I continued to use the soap since I did not want to be wasteful.  After about 5 washes, I started to notice a difference.  The hard water stains on the dishwasher were disappearing and my drinking glasses were looking clearer.  Sarah has decided to not use the soap any more since it did not get the baby bottles clean.

Here is the recipe:
* 2 cups of borax

* 2 cups Arm and Hammer Washing Soda

* 2 cups Lemi Shine.  The next time I make this, I will not add this to the mixture.  It made the powder one solid, rock.  I will just sprinkle a little in each load.

* 1 cup Kosher Salt

Mix it all together and it is ready to go.  It takes 1 Tbsp/load.  I also add vinegar to the rinse aid spot.

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